What Should We Appreciate?

Let us peek into the mind of KRISHNA and get an answer.

Let's go back to the war at Kurukshetra 5000 years ago. At the end of 18 days, Pandavas win. Yudhishtira however goes into Depression his heart is crying after seeing lakhs of dead people pretty much the armies from both sides were dead. He questions his own existence. "I lived a pretty much sinless life, why then have I been forced to take part in this war and kill so many people?"

Vyasa tries to console him -- "Maharaj -- this is a Dharma yuddha, you are not at fault."
Many others also try to console but failed.
Even Krishna tried and failed! How is that? How can Krishna fail to clear doubts of Yudhishtira?
He cleared all doubts of Arjuna so well, so why he failed with Yudhishtira.

The Acharyas reveal the Secret -"Krishna thought, surely I can clear his doubts but instead let him approach Bhishma and clear his doubts. Krishna wanted to establish Bhishma as the greatest Spiritual Authority. In essence Krishna has a deep desire to glorify his devotees".

We can take a clue. The most important thing we can Appreciate is devotees and their contribution in our Spiritual life in particular.